
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

10 ways to save trees

  1. Opt-out from unwanted catalogs, magazines and other junk mail, e.g. credit card offers.
  2. Opt-out of paper bills and start paying bills online.
  3. If you must print, use both sides of paper. And, print the printer friendly version.
  4. Borrow books from the library or friends that will only be read once. Not only will this help trees, but it will save you money. Or try using e-book readers.
  5. Reuse notepaper until it is used completely on both sides.
  6. Recycle your newspapers.
  7. Get involved.
  8. Use GreenPrint.
  9. Use Webster’s USB New World Dictionary. [Product page] Or, there’s also Merriam-Webster USB Dictionary/Thesaurus.
  10. Subscribe to Website Magazine for free and a tree will be planted on your behalf.

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